Enhancing PostgreSQL Performance with Background Workers: Initialization, Configuration, and Management

Optimizing PostgreSQL with the Help of Background Workers


4 min read

Leveraging Background Workers in PostgreSQL for Enhanced Performance

PostgreSQL's background workers provide a powerful mechanism for extending the database's capabilities by running custom processes alongside the core PostgreSQL server. These background workers can perform various tasks such as maintenance operations, data processing, and monitoring. Understanding how to initialize, register, and manage background workers is crucial for harnessing their full potential. In this detailed blog, we explore the intricacies of using background workers in PostgreSQL, including how to register them, configure their behavior, and manage their lifecycle.

Initializing Background Workers

Background workers can be initialized at the time PostgreSQL starts by including the module name in the shared_preload_libraries configuration. A module wishing to run a background worker can register it by calling RegisterBackgroundWorker(BackgroundWorker *worker) from its _PG_init() function. Additionally, background workers can be started dynamically after the system is up and running by calling RegisterDynamicBackgroundWorker(BackgroundWorker *worker, BackgroundWorkerHandle **handle). Unlike RegisterBackgroundWorker, which must be called from within the postmaster process, RegisterDynamicBackgroundWorker can be called from a regular backend or another background worker.

Structure of BackgroundWorker

The BackgroundWorker structure is defined as follows:

typedef void (*bgworker_main_type)(Datum main_arg);
typedef struct BackgroundWorker
    char        bgw_name[BGW_MAXLEN];
    char        bgw_type[BGW_MAXLEN];
    int         bgw_flags;
    BgWorkerStartTime bgw_start_time;
    int         bgw_restart_time;       /* in seconds, or BGW_NEVER_RESTART */
    char        bgw_library_name[BGW_MAXLEN];
    char        bgw_function_name[BGW_MAXLEN];
    Datum       bgw_main_arg;
    char        bgw_extra[BGW_EXTRALEN];
    pid_t       bgw_notify_pid;
} BackgroundWorker;

Key Attributes of BackgroundWorker

  • bgw_name and bgw_type: These strings are used in log messages, process listings, and similar contexts. bgw_type should be consistent for all background workers of the same type, while bgw_name can contain additional information about the specific process.

  • bgw_flags: This bitwise-or'd bit mask indicates the capabilities required by the module. Key flags include:

    • BGWORKER_SHMEM_ACCESS: Requests shared memory access (mandatory).

    • BGWORKER_BACKEND_DATABASE_CONNECTION: Requests the ability to establish a database connection to run transactions and queries.

  • bgw_start_time: Indicates the server state during which PostgreSQL should start the process. Options include BgWorkerStart_PostmasterStart, BgWorkerStart_ConsistentState, and BgWorkerStart_RecoveryFinished.

  • bgw_restart_time: Specifies the interval (in seconds) to wait before restarting the process if it crashes. Use BGW_NEVER_RESTART to prevent automatic restart.

  • bgw_library_name and bgw_function_name: Identify the library and function to be used as the initial entry point for the background worker.

  • bgw_main_arg and bgw_extra: bgw_main_arg is passed as an argument to the worker's main function, while bgw_extra can contain additional data accessible via MyBgworkerEntry.

  • bgw_notify_pid: The PID of a PostgreSQL backend process to be notified when the process starts or exits. It should be initialized to MyProcPid if notification is required.

Connecting to a Database

Once running, the process can connect to a database using BackgroundWorkerInitializeConnection(char *dbname, char *username, uint32 flags) or BackgroundWorkerInitializeConnectionByOid(Oid dboid, Oid useroid, uint32 flags). This enables the background worker to run transactions and queries using the SPI interface.

Signal Handling

Signals are initially blocked when control reaches the background worker's main function. They must be unblocked by calling BackgroundWorkerUnblockSignals. This allows the process to customize its signal handlers as needed. To block signals again, use BackgroundWorkerBlockSignals.

Managing Background Worker Lifecycle

If bgw_restart_time is set to BGW_NEVER_RESTART, or if the worker exits with a code of 0 or is terminated by TerminateBackgroundWorker, it will be automatically unregistered by the postmaster. Otherwise, it will be restarted after the configured interval. For dynamic background workers, you can use RegisterDynamicBackgroundWorker to obtain a BackgroundWorkerHandle to manage the worker’s lifecycle, including checking its status with GetBackgroundWorkerPid and terminating it with TerminateBackgroundWorker.

Example Usage

An example implementation can be found in the src/test/modules/worker_spi module, demonstrating useful techniques for background worker processes.

Limitations and Considerations

The maximum number of registered background workers is limited by max_worker_processes. Ensure your system is configured to handle the desired number of workers. Additionally, remember that passing complex data types by reference in dynamic background workers may not be safe, especially on Windows or systems where EXEC_BACKEND is defined. Use small, simple values for arguments and manage more complex data through shared memory if necessary.


Background workers in PostgreSQL provide a flexible and powerful way to extend database functionality. By understanding how to initialize, configure, and manage these processes, you can effectively leverage them to perform a variety of tasks, from maintenance operations to complex data processing. Properly using background workers can significantly enhance the performance and capabilities of your PostgreSQL deployment.